Global Culture & Perspectives Workshop

Date: Saturday 17/12/2022

Time: 3-6pm

Venue: Rm 301, One Hysan Avenue, 1 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay

Genesis is hosting our first taster workshop with the theme of

'Global Culture & Awareness'.

The key objective of the workshop is to enhance critical and independent thinking as well as cultivating an international perspective. All of which are essential skills for a global world of work.

Full Biography of our Facilitator

Till Krämer (Instructor)

Born in Germany and graduated with a Master’s in mathematics and Computer Science from Oxford University, United Kingdom, Till has engaged in youth work and projects in 10+ countries, starting in 2007. As ICE’s main trainer and Director, Till educated and trained youth from 100+ countries in international conferences, and was invited as TEDx speaker on multiple occasions in mainland China as well as Hong Kong and co-organised a social innovation conference in UN's Geneva office.  With 15 years of experience as a trainer and public speaker, and 10 years of experience running and growing a social enterprise, Till can combine insights from the world of youth training and non-profits as well as the social business sector in Hong Kong. In 2020, Till also co-founded Storius, a tech startup that aims to bring location-based audio stories to the world.

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